GLIMPS Malware Detect

Too many solutions, each specialized in its own detection technology, are wasting analysts’ time, as they are looking for a transparent, globalized and automated tool to optimize their MTTD and efficiency.

GLIMPS Malware Detect is a secure platform (On Premise or SaaS) for file protection, enhanced detection and automated analysis.

Use cases

  • Securing Business and Collaborative Applications
  • Protecting digital files embedded in web and cloud applications
  • Automating investigation processes (suspicious emails or files)
  • Enhancing detection and qualification to complement existing safety elements (EDR, ESG, WSG, NDR, Bastion, WAAP)

GLIMPS Malware Detect's benefits

  • Enhanced multi-engine detection of 0-day, variant, polymorphic, evasive and APT threats
  • Detects malware before it enters your information system
  • Covers of all attack surfaces with a centralized platform
  • Supports all file formats and programming languages
  • Reduces Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and file analysis time (less than 3 seconds)
GLIMPS Malware Detect

GLIMPS Malware Detect's features

  • Analysis of all file types with 25 static extraction, analysis and detection engines
  • Capability to analyze large volumes of files on a daily basis
  • Synthetic analysis report in JSON format (score, attacker families, results of main detection engines)
  • Advanced interoperability thanks to the availability of multiple connectors with leading IT and cyber solutions on the market
  • Simplified integration via REST API, ICAP or SMTP
  • Configurable alert module (by e-mail, SYSLOG, SPLUNK, MISP)
  • Cache system to further reduce analysis time
  • Dashboard statistics on analyses performed

Why choose GLIMPS Malware Detect?

Analysis by Deep Learning

GLIMPS’ own AI technology, enabling coverage of 0-day variant attacks, APTs

0 latency

No impact on user experience

Detection accuracy

Malware detection >99%

Data sovereignty and protection

French publisher, hosted in France and Europe.
Data submitted in a closed environment (no data leaves the platform)

Easy to deploy

As SaaS and On prem with the same features and performance

How to integrate GLIMPS Malware Detect into your environment?

Schéma d'intégration GLIMPS Malware